
Boiling Point Of Ethylene Glycol

Ethylene Glycol based water solutions are common in rut-transfer applications where the temperature in the heat transfer fluid tin can exist below 32oF (0oC). Ethylene glycol is also unremarkably used in heating applications that temporarily may not exist operated (cold) in surroundings with freezing conditions - such as cars and machines with water cooled engines.

Ethylene Glycol is the nigh common antifreeze fluid for standard heating and cooling applications. Ethylene glycol should be avoided if there is a slightest adventure of leakage to potable water or nutrient processing systems. Instead solutions based on propylene glycol are commonly used.

Specific oestrus, viscosity and specific weight of a water and ethylene glycol solution vary significantly with the percent of ethylene glycol and the temperature of the fluid. Properties differs so much from clean water that heat transfer systems with ethylene glycol should be calculated thoroughly for actual temperature and solution.

Freezing Betoken of Ethylene Glycol based Water Solutions

Freezing points of ethylene glycol based h2o solutions at various temperatures are indicated below

Freezing Point
Ethylene Glycol Solution
(% by volume)
0 ten 20 30 40 l lx 80 90 100
Temperature (oF) 32 25.9 17.viii 7.3 -10.3 -34.2 -63 ≈ -51 ≈ -22 nine
(oC) 0 -iii.4 -vii.9 -xiii.7 -23.5 -36.eight -52.8 ≈ -46 ≈ -30 -12.8
  • Propylene Glycol and Freezing Points

Due to possible slush creation, ethylene glycol and water solutions should not exist used in conditions close to freezing points.

Water with ethylene glycol - freezing points

Dynamic Viscosity of Ethylene Glycol based Water Solutions

Dynamic viscosity - μ - of ethylene glycol based water solutions at various temperatures are indicated below

Dynamic Viscosity - μ - (centiPoise)
Temperature Ethylene Glycol Solution (% by book)
(oF) (oC) 25 30 xl 50 sixty 65 100
0 -17.viii 1) 1) 15 22 35 45 310
xl iv.four 3 3.v 4.8 half-dozen.5 9 x.2 48
80 26.7 1.five i.7 two.2 2.eight 3.viii four.5 15.5
120 48.nine 0.9 one i.3 1.v 2 ii.four vii
160 71.ane 0.65 0.7 0.8 0.95 1.iii ane.5 3.eight
200 93.3 0.48 0.5 0.7 0.88 0.98 2.4
240 115.6 2) 2) 2) 2) 2) 2) one.eight
280 137.8 2) ii) 2) 2) ii) 2) 1.2
  1. below freezing point
  2. higher up humid bespeak

Note! The dynamic viscosity of an ethylene glycol based water solution is increased compared with the dynamic viscosity of make clean water. Equally a consequence the head loss (pressure loss) in the a pipe organisation with ethylene glycol is increased compared to clean h2o.

Specific Gravity of Ethylene Glycol based Water Solutions

Specific gravity - SG - of ethylene glycol based water solutions at various temperatures are indicated below

Specific Gravity- SG -
Temperature Ethylene Glycol Solution (% by book)
(oF) (oC) 25 30 40 50 60 65 100
-40 -40 1) 1) i) 1) i.12 i.13 1)
0 -17.viii 1) one) i.08 1.ten 1.eleven i.12 1.16
forty four.4 1.048 i.057 1.07 1.088 1.i 1.eleven 1.145
80 26.vii one.04 one.048 one.06 1.077 1.09 1.095 1.13
120 48.9 one.03 1.038 1.05 1.064 i.077 1.082 1.115
160 71.1 1.018 1.025 i.038 1.05 one.062 1.068 one.i
200 93.iii 1.005 1.013 1.026 1.038 i.049 1.054 1.084
240 115.6 2) 2) 2) 2) 2) 2) 1.067
280 137.8 2) 2) 2) 2) ii) two) 1.05
  1. below freezing point
  2. in a higher place boiling signal

Note! The specific gravity of ethylene glycol based water solutions are increased compared with specific gravity of clean water.

Densities of Ethylene Glycol based Water Solutions

Plough the screen to run across the whole table.

Density - ρ - (kg/thousand3)
Mass Fraction of Ethylene Glycol in Solution Temperature - t - (oC)
-48 -35 -25 -fourteen -8 -four 0 twenty 40 60 80 100
0 thousand 998 992 983 972 958
0.1 1019 1018 1014 1008 1000 992 984
0.ii 1038 1037 1036 1030 1022 1014 1005 995
0.three 1058 1056 1055 1054 1046 1037 1027 1017 1007
0.four 1080 1077 1075 1073 1072 1063 1052 1041 1030 1018
0.5 1103 1100 1096 1093 1092 1090 1079 1067 1055 1042 1030
0.6 1127 1124 1120 1115 1112 1110 1107 1095 1082 1068 1055 1042
  • Online expansion book calculator

Case - Expansion Volume in a Heating System with Ethylene Glycol

A heating system with liquid volume 0.8 m3 is freeze protected with 50% (by mass, mass fraction 0.5) ethylene glycol. The installation temperature of the organization is downwardly to 0oC and the maximum medium operation temperature is 80oC.

From the table in a higher place nosotros see that the density of the solution at installation temperature can exist every bit high as 1090 kg/m3 - and the medium density at functioning temperature can be every bit low as 1042 kg/m3 .

The mass of the liquid at installation can be calculated as

minst = ρinst Fiveinst                               (one)

       = (1090 kg/m3) (0.8 thousandiii)

       = 872 kg


chiliadinst = mass of liquid at installation (kg)

ρinst = density at installation (kg/m3)

5 inst = liquid book at installation (yardiii)

Mass of the liquid in the system during operation will exist aforementioned equally the mass in system during installation

minst = mop                              (2)

       = ρop 5op


thouop = mass of liquid at functioning (kg)

ρop = density atoperation (kg/g3)

V op = liquid book atoperation (m3)

(2) can exist modified to summate liquid operation volume as

5op = minst / ρop (2b)

     = (872 kg) / (1042 kg/mthree )

     = 0.837 one thousandthree

The required expansion book to avoid pressure tin be calculated every bit

ΔV = Vop - Vinst                        (three)

     = (0.837 thousand3) - (0.8 m3)

     = 0.037 k3

     = 37 liter


ΔV = expansion volume (mthree)

Expansion volume tin be calculated equally

ΔV = ( ρinst / ρop - i) Vinst                  (4)

Specific Heat of Ethylene Glycol based Water Solutions

Specific Heat - cp - of ethylene glycol based water solutions at various temperatures are indicated beneath

Turn the screen to the whole table.

Specific Heat - cp (Btu/lb oF)
Ethylene Glycol Solution
(% by weight)
Temperature (°C)
-l -40 -30 -xx -ten 0 10 20 30 xl fifty 60 seventy fourscore 90 100
0 1.0038 1.0018 1.0004 0.99943 0.99902 0.99913 0.99978 1.0009 1.0026 1.0049 1.0076
10 0.97236 0.97422 0.97619 0.97827 0.98047 0.98279 0.98521 0.98776 0.99041 0.99318 0.99607
20 0.93576 0.93976 0.94375 0.94775 0.95175 0.95574 0.95974 0.96373 0.96773 0.97173 0.97572
30 0.89373 0.89889 0.90405 0.90920 0.91436 0.91951 0.92467 0.92982 0.93498 0.94013 0.94529 0.95044
40 0.84605 0.85232 0.85858 0.86484 0.87111 0.87737 0.88364 0.88990 0.89616 0.90243 0.90869 0.91496 0.92122
l 0.79288 0.80021 0.80753 0.81485 0.82217 0.82949 0.83682 0.84414 0.85146 0.85878 0.86610 0.87343 0.88075 0.88807
60 0.72603 0.73436 0.74269 0.75102 0.75935 0.76768 0.77601 0.78434 0.79267 0.80100 0.80933 0.81766 0.82599 0.83431 0.84264 0.85097
70 0.67064 0.67992 0.68921 0.69850 0.70778 0.71707 0.72636 0.73564 0.74493 0.75422 0.76350 0.77279 0.78207 0.79136 0.80065 0.80993
80 0.61208 0.62227 0.63246 0.64265 0.65285 0.66304 0.67323 0.68343 0.69362 0.70381 0.71401 0.72420 0.73439 0.74458 0.75478 0.76497
ninety 0.58347 0.59452 0.60557 0.61662 0.62767 0.63872 0.64977 0.66082 0.67186 0.68291 0.69396 0.70501 0.71606
100 0.53282 0.54467 0.55652 0.56838 0.58023 0.59209 0.60394 0.61579 0.62765 0.63950 0.65136 0.66321
  • Freezing indicate 100% ethylene glycol at atmospheric pressure is -12.8oC (9oF)
  • 1 Btu/(lbthousand oF) = 4,186.8 J/(kg Grand) = i kcal/(kgoC)

Note! The specific estrus of ethylene glycol based water solutions are less than the specific estrus of make clean water. For a rut transfer organisation with ethylene glycol the circulated volume must be increased compared to a system but with water.

In a 50% solution with operational temperatures above 36 oF the specific rut chapters is decreased with approximately 20%. The reduced heat chapters must exist compensated by circulating more fluid.

Note! The density of ethylene glycol is higher than water - check the specific gravity (SG) table above, so the internet impact on the oestrus transport capacity is reduced. Case - the specific rut of an ethylene glycol water solution 50% / 50% is 0.815 at 80 oF ( oC). Specific gravity at the same weather is 1.077. The internet impact tin be estimated to 0.815 * 1.077 = 0.877.

Machine antifreeze solutions should non be used in HVAC systems considering they contain silicates that may cause fouling. Silicates in automobile antifreeze are used to protect aluminum engine parts.

Note! Distilled or deionized h2o should be used for ethylene glycol solutions. City water may be treated with chlorine which is corrosive.

Systems for automatic makeup water should non be used since a leakage would contaminate the environs and dilute the antifreeze protection of the organization.

Boiling Points Ethylene Glycol Solutions

For total table with Boiling Points - rotate the screen!

Boiling Signal
Ethylene Glycol Solution
(% by volume)
0 10 xx thirty xl 50 60 70 lxxx 90 100
Temperature (oF) 212 214 216 220 220 225 232 245 260 288 386
(oC) 100 101.1 102.2 104.4 104.4 107.2 111.ane 118 127 142 197

Increase in Flow required for a fifty% Ethylene Glycol Solution

Increment in circulated flow for 50% ethylene glycol solutions compared with clean water are indicated in the table below

Fluid Temperature Flow Increase
(oF) (oC)
40 four.4 22
100 37.8 16
140 sixty.0 xv
180 82.2 14
220 104.4 14

Pressure Drib Correction and Combined Pressure Drop and Volume Catamenia Correction for 50% Ethylene Glycol Solution

Pressure drop correction and combined pressure drib and catamenia increment correction for 50% ethylene glycol solutions compared with clean h2o are indicated in the table below

Fluid Temperature Pressure Drop Correction with Flow Rates Equal
Combined Pressure Drop and Period Rate Correction
(oF) (oC)
40 4.4 45 114
100 37.eight ten 49
140 sixty.0 0 32
180 82.2 -half dozen 23
220 104.4 -ten 18

Boiling Point Of Ethylene Glycol,


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